Embed on Job Boards

All Job Ads on our platform can be shared or embedded on any website. However, depending on the job board where you want to publish the ad, you may need to confirm whether the job board supports embedding iframes.

How to Integrate a Job Ad

To integrate a Job Ad:

  1. Navigate to the desired Job Ad.
  2. Click the "Share" button located in the top right corner.
  3. You will then see an interface that provides you with sharing options, including an embed code. Share Job Ad
  • Direct Link: This option removes the VIDEOJOBS header and footer, allowing the shared link to focus solely on the job ad content.
  • Embed Job Ad: This provides the code necessary to embed the Job Ad on any website.
  • Custom Theme: You can enforce a specific theme, either light or dark, to match the design of your website or platform.